About Us

Naša primarna djelatnost je određivanje ostataka pesticida u hrani biljnog porijekla, ostataka glifosata i pirolizidinskih i tropanskih alkaloida u uzorcima ljekovitog bilja i začina. Zbog bogatstva prirodnih sastojaka posebno je problematično analizirati ostatke pesticida u suhom bilju, stoga je naš laboratorij posebno prilagodio analitičke metode i postupke takvim uzorcima. Raspolažemo velikim iskustvom u analitici ekoloških proizvoda.

Our Team

Our strength is:

- motivated team
- accumulated knowledge
- continuous technological development
- education of employees and clients
- a very strict internal control system
- fast response to client requests
- great number of herbal and spice samples
allows us comparison of results and improves the quality of our test results


If you are, for example: - organic farmer - food producer obligated to pesticide residues analysis - processor and food trader - tea manufacturer - health aware consumer

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